Vantage now supports Stripe for card payments!

In our ongoing drive for customer satisfaction, we’re adding new features to Vantage at a great pace. Adding to our growing list of supported payment providers, we have integrated Stripe into Vantage, so that you won’t need to bother with the headaches of choosing a payment gateway and a merchant processor.

We understand that a lot of sales and clients come directly to your website so we want to give them a great experience without you having to worry about payment processing issues.Traditional card payment providers often charge a monthly fee in addition to a percentage of your transactions, and your bank may charge you too. All these costs can significantly impact your profit margin. 

Stripe takes a simpler approach: for businesses taking less than $1 million they charge a flat rate of 2.9% + 30¢ per successful sale, with no monthly fee. Stripe also safely and securely handles your customer's card data by only communicating directly with Stripe's servers, freeing you from security and PCI compliance concerns.

Another excellent advantage of Stripe is its data portability. Imagine you've built a successful membership site over the years, and you powered it with PayPal subscriptions. If you want to move to another payment processor (like Stripe), you can't transfer that credit card data. PayPal simply won't give it you. All your existing customers would have to sign up again and you'd probably lose some of them during the process.

Remember, unlike other EPOS providers, when you use Vantage to receive internet orders from your customers we take 0% comission and we don't hold your money - all of your sales go directly to you!

Vantage version 2.4.4 released!

A new version of Vantage has been released, and these are improvements you can find "on screen" and "under the hood":
  • Improved the UI for the 'Adjustment Presets Editor' tool.
  • Added an option to the food till to show product short codes on all items on the menu screen, and in the order pad.
  • We've added support for the tablets running Vantage to connect automatically to the till, without the use of internet
  • Added option to the stock levels report so that you can exclude all items with quantity <= 0.
  • Added a setting for the customer website which, if enabled, requires customers to sign up for an account before they can order online.

Version 2.4.0 released!

Vantage is moving forward, leaps and bounds. We've put together a shortlist of the most important things that have changed with this new release:

  • We've introduced a new version of the protocol that Vantage uses to communicate with the server. It's faster and uses less data, and also allows for a lot of future extensions.
  • Changed the 'Stock->Level Changes' report so that it can show all changes during a period
  • Created the 'Stock Association Wizard. Makes it much quicker to associate stock with food items.
  • Added URL canonicalization support to customer websites


Keep your clients informed! SMS notifications from you Vantage Dashboard

 In this ever-evolving world, pro-active services always rise above the competition. Our intergrated SMS feature allows you to connect to your customer database and mass send notifications right to your clients’ phones.

You can acquire text messages in batch, with a higher number meaning higher discounts, right from your Dashboard.


First of all, click on “Add Widget” and Select the “SMS Credits”. From that moment on, you’ll have the option to fine tune your sales-strategy right from your Vantage Dashboard. Then, if you want to select a large batch of phone numbers, just add a file containing all numbers you want to send the message to. Our Text Message wizard will take care of the rest.

Understanding and delivering for the Mobile Universe

Here at Vecsoft, we’re constantly trying to be ahead of the curve regarding all digital trends. A huge chunk of our customer base demanded that their clients have an easy time ordering from their smartphones, maximizing profits and strengthening engagement.


We offer all our customers optional Android and Apple iOS apps for their clients in their Vantage package, for a seamless integration with the platform. With our mobile apps, users can check their order in real-time, receive notifications and even SMS feedback if needed. Apps can be customized in detail, according to our customers' needs and wants so the user will be kept engaged by your products and services.

The mobile app can be included in the Vantage-powered business website package as well, giving you a complete solution for all your EPOS needs. 

Vantage continues to be a leading EPOS system across the UK with a plethora of features, easy set-up and excellent 24/7 support.